Massage: Entspanne bei einer professionellen Massage in einem ruhigen Wellnessbereich
Massage: Entspannende Massage für Wohlbefinden und Stressabbau in modernem Spa.
Massage: Ruhiger Massageraum mit angenehmer Atmosphaere und entspannender Einrichtung.

Various massages in Xstream Park 45-90 min

Activity provider: XStream Park

Get a massage in the indoor area of the Xstream Park in Collombey-Muraz. Treat yourself to a massage to your liking to relax.


45 minutes, 1 hour or 1:30 hours

Meeting point

Xstream Park. Z.A. Pré-Jacquet 3, 1868 Collombey-Muraz

Free cancellation

Full refund in case of cancellation up to 24h before start

  • Includes
  • Highlights
  • Description
  • Swiss Activities Tip
  • Meeting Points

From CHF 85


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