Integrate offers from Swiss Activities into your website

The Swiss Activities Widget is the easiest way to integrate activities into your website. Choose from a variety of widget styles and embed in minutes.


The Swiss Activities widget is the easiest way to embed activities from Swiss Activities in your website. It is a custom HTML element that can be implemented in any HTML context. The widget is responsive and will automatically adjust to the available space that it has in the embedded website.


To get started, simply include the following script tag in the <head> section of your website:


Since the widget is a custom HTML element, it can be customized using standard attributes. The following attributes are available and can be used to adjust the widget to your needs.

  • affiliate: your affiliate ID
  • booking: whether the button should directly open the widget in a modal or link to Swiss Activities (default: false)
  • button-background: the background color of the button (default: #ff385c)
  • button-color: the color of the button text (default: #fff)
  • button-text: the text of the button
  • display: the display mode of the widget (widget | cta | button) / (default: widget)
  • heading-text: the heading text
  • ident: the ID of the activity
  • language: the language of the widget (de | en | fr | it) / (default: de)
  • paragraph-text: the paragraph text

Display modes


By default, the widget will be displayed in widget mode, where it fetches the current activity information like title, description and image from Swiss Activities API.


The widget can also be displayed in CTA (call to action) mode, where it will display the activity title and description or a custom heading and paragraph text.


When in fixed display, the widget will be displayed in a fixed position at the bottom of the page.


In its most basic form, the widget can also be displayed as a simple button.


If none of the options above fit your needs, you can also use the widget in headless mode, which won't render any HTML. Instead, you have to define the HTML yourself. This mode is useful if you want to link multiple activities in a text or want to use a custom template for the widget.

Getting the activity ID

The activity ID is the unique identifier of the activity in Swiss Activities. It can be found in the footer of the page when you are currently browsing an activity page.

Product catalog

It is also possible to embed the entire product catalog of Swiss Activities in your website.

Visit this page to configure the widget and get the embed code. Depending on the filter selection, the widget will display the activities that match the selected filter criteria.

Become an affiliate

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